Stella Loves: Life’s a Beach Deckchair featuted in the Sunday Telegrap – Smart Deco Style
LAST DAY FOR ORDERING IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS  Friday 20th December. Peace and love from Smart Deco

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Stella Loves: Life’s a Beach Deckchair featuted in the Sunday Telegraph’s Stella Magazine

by Jacqueline Hammond |

Published in The Sunday Telegraph, Stella Magazine, on 17th July 2011. Article: Stella Loves, Special British Seaside Issue

‘The toast of the coast. Our unmissible eight page guide to all that’s brilliant about the British seaside.”

Smart Deco’s Life’s A Beach Deckchair by the British artist Jacqueline Hammond featured in the national newspaper The Sunday Telegraph’s Sunday supplement, Stella Magazine. The article read:

“The beautifully detailed print on this deckchair’s canvas sling (depicting a bird’s-eye view of Brighton beach) is by the British artist Jacqueline Hammond. Even if you’re not heading to the coast this summer it will add a cheering seaside note to your garden.”

Smart Deco’s Life’s A Beach Deckchair by the British artist Jacqueline Hammond featured in the national newspaper The Sunday Telegraph’s Sunday supplement, Stella Magazine

Smart Deco’s Life’s A Beach Deckchair by the British artist Jacqueline Hammond featured in the national newspaper The Sunday Telegraph’s Sunday supplement, Stella Magazine

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