The Guardian features Country Lane Deckchair in weekend Style Magazine – Smart Deco Style
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The Guardian features Country Lane Deckchair in weekend Style Magazine

by Jacqueline Hammond |

The Guardian featured our Country Lane Deckchair in their weekend 'Style' Magazine.

'Always look on the bright side! '

Style Magazine, The Guardian newspaper
Saturday 2nd May 2015
 Smart Deco's art print deckchairs
As featured in The Guardian at the weekend! - Country Lane Deckchair by Jacqueline Hammond

Country Lane Deckchair was featured in The Guardian's Style magazine on Saturday 2nd May.  

Here's the link to the article 

Interiors Space spring special Space edit: bring colour into your home and garden – instantly

Homes Interiors Space Spring Special

 Space edit: bring colour into your home and garden – instantly

"With just a few key pieces, bring instant colour to your home or garden"

4. Country Lane Deckchair £100
Available from as well as in, and Amazon, among other potential outlets!

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