Country Lane Deckchair by Jacqueline Hammond in Devon Life Magazine – Smart Deco Style
LAST DAY FOR ORDERING IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS  Friday 20th December. Peace and love from Smart Deco

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Country Lane Deckchair by Jacqueline Hammond in Devon Life Magazine

by Jacqueline Hammond |

Just heard that the Country Lane Deckchair is featured in the current edition of Devon Life magazine.

Poignantly, as this week marks a family anniversary, the timing is immaculate for publication, as the picture is actually inspired by the countryside of Devon, its where I grew up. I wonder if the editor knows this?

The original painting is titled Mum's Drive Home and depicts a beautiful country lane which leads across the fringe of the forest on Haldon Moor in south west England. The scenery of South Devon is firmly set in my mind and this area, the drive from Teignmouth to Chudleigh was the route home from my grandparents and my Mum's Drive Home. Must drive there soon!

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