Smartylamps Wattage Guide – Smart Deco Style
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Smartylamps Wattage Guide

Please use energy saving bulbs with Smartylamps shades

Smartylamps pendant lampshades - 11 Watt energy bulb (which emits a light equivalent to a 60watt incandescent bulb)

Small and narrow lampshades and free- standing Smartylamps - 8 Watt energy bulb (which emits a light equivalent to a 40watt incandescent bulb)

We recommend energy saving bulbs and suggest 11W which is equivalent to a 60 watt incandescent bulb for the larger shades and 8W (40 watt candle bulb if the shade is small or narrow or for a free-standing lamp. 

Most people think that the wattage (W) of a bulb tells you how much light it gives. However, this is not the case as wattage only measures the amount of energy required to light bulbs. Lumens (lm), on the other hand, measure the amount of light that is actually produced. For example, some bulbs, like LED, give the same light output (in lumens) as a classic bulb, but for a much lower wattage. So, to see how bright a bulb is, think in lumens, not watts. The higher the lumen value, the greater the light output.

We do not advise the use of the old style incandescent / filament bulbs, as they get too hot. You can buy energy bulbs that give off different light emissions such as warm white, white, daylight as well as fluorescent and even dimmable ones.


Traditional incandescent light bulbs waste a lot of their energy by turning energy into heat rather than light itself. Energy saving light bulbs work in the same way as fluorescent tubes - an electric current passes through gas in a tube, making the tube's coating glow brightly. This means they use less energy and are cool to the touch.

Although energy saving light bulbs cost a little more to buy than their old technology equivalents, they save you money in the long run by reducing the amount of electricity you use.

Lumens are being introduced as the new unit of measurement for light bulbs. In the past, the strength of light bulbs was measured in watts, which is actually a measure of power. This isn’t a useful unit of measurement for new energy-saving light bulbs, which consume much less power than old-style incandescent light bulbs. So because comparisons based on wattage are no longer meaningful, the strength of new energy-saving light bulbs is expressed in lumens, which measures instead the amount of light they produce. The higher the number of lumens, the brighter the light. 

If you haven’t already, you’ll soon start seeing light bulbs categorised by lumens rather than wattage. There isn’t necessarily a correlation between lumens and watts because they measure different things. But as a rough guide, look at the chart below:

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