Smart Deco Ultraviolet Jellyfish Deckchair Featured in The Independent – Smart Deco Style
LAST DAY FOR ORDERING IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS  Friday 20th December. Peace and love from Smart Deco

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Smart Deco Ultraviolet Jellyfish Deckchair Featured in The Independent online

by Jacqueline Hammond |

Smart Deco Ultraviolet Jellyfish Deckchair

No twee stripes here. The Sussex-based company produce a range of slings featuring the work of British contemporary artist Jacqueline Hammond. This striking jellyfish design stands alone as a work of art in your garden. And it makes a comfy chair too. £64 for the sling, £129 for frame and sling, notonthehighstreet.


Brits have a long tradition of lounging in deckchairs when the sun shines. Back in the day, they'd be robust, ridged wooden chairs with stiff, striped canvas slings.

Now, you can find a vast range of colours and designs on the market. We've rounded up a collection of the best designs - including a stripe or two. From Tesco's classic candy striped chair to Wawa's innovative rocker-deckchair hybrid, there's something for all lounging fans. Just remember not to leave them out in the rain.


If you want a good-value chair to see you through summer, Homebase and Tesco's offerings are ideal. Bring them in when you're not using them and they will last you. For a chair that makes a statement in your garden, go for Smart Deco's designs. If you're looking for something that looks just as good inside as out, then Wawa's rocker is a winner.

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