Announcement - Jacqueline Hammond’s Smartdeco range will be exhibited – Smart Deco Style
LAST DAY FOR ORDERING IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS  Friday 20th December. Peace and love from Smart Deco

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Announcement - Jacqueline Hammond’s Smartdeco range will be exhibited at Spring Fair International 2013, Europe’s leading home and gifts trade fair at the Birmingham NEC, 3-7th February 2013

by Jacqueline Hammond |

Smart Deco poppies
designer interior and
lifestyle accessories
from Smartdeco all
featuring original
designs from
contemporary portfolio
of work
We would like to announce that Jacqueline Hammond’s Smartdeco range will be exhibited at Spring Fair International 2013, Europe’s leading home and gifts trade fair at the Birmingham NEC, 3-7th February 2013.
We’re really excited it about it and wanted to take this opportunity to invite our blog readers, facebook friends and twitterers along to our stand where we can introduce the Smartdeco range to you in person. There will be a selection of designer interior and lifestyle accessories from Smartdeco all featuring original designs from Jacqueline’s contemporary portfolio of work, with selected pieces available as imagery for licence.
So please let us know if you’ll be dropping by and we’ll make sure to stack up on the biscuits. We’ll be on stand number 6Q42 in the Contemporary Gift & Home section, between hall 6 & 7. Or you can find us in the Design Lab or by following the ‘Creative Britain’ and ‘New Product’ trails. We’d love to meet you.
For a sneak preview, take a look at some of the Smartdeco product range on the Spring Fair website.
Smartdeco - Make Art the Fabric of your Home
Find us online. Feel free to get in touch.
Smart Deco poppies
Jacqueline Hammond’s Smartdeco range will be exhibited at Spring Fair International 2013, Europe’s leading home and gifts trade fair at the Birmingham NEC, 3-7th February 2013 - stand number 6Q42 in the Contemporary Gift & Home section.
Smart Deco poppies
A mock up of stand 6q42 exhibiting Jacqueline Hammond’s Smartdeco range in the Design Lab area at Spring Fair International 2013, Europe’s leading home and gifts trade fair at the Birmingham NEC, 3-7th February 2013 - stand number 6Q42 in the Contemporary Gift & Home section.

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