Smartylamps fly to Pigeon House Ireland for a unique dining experience – Smart Deco Style
LAST DAY FOR ORDERING IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS  Friday 20th December. Peace and love from Smart Deco

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Smartylamps fly to Pigeon House Ireland for a unique dining experience

by Jacqueline Hammond |

Our latest Smartylamps commission for a restaurant in Ireland called Pigeon House Delgany

                                                                                         Pigeon House Delgany Ireland

Thanks to the lovely proprietors of Pigeon House Delgany in Ireland for sending us photos of our lighting in-situ in their newly refurbished restaurant and wedding venue.


These are the Elektra Smartylamps Smart Deco made for The Pigeon House, an award winning restaurant and wedding venue in the heart of Delgany Village, County Wicklow, Ireland.

Elektra Smartylamps Smart Deco made for The Pigeon House, an award winning restaurant and wedding venue in the heart of Delgany Village, County Wicklow, Ireland Elektra Smartylamps Smart Deco made for The Pigeon House, an award winning restaurant and wedding venue in the heart of Delgany Village, County Wicklow, Ireland[/caption]     Pictured in-situ - Elektra Smartylamp Shade - (80cm diameter dodechadron light shade) in large - available from Smart Deco These are the Elektra Smartylamps Smart Deco made for The Pigeon House, an award winning restaurant and wedding venue in the heart of Delgany Village, County Wicklow, Ireland.   Smartylamps light installations — at Pigeon House Delgany.

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