Acid Pavilion - Pop Art Sixteen - Print – Smart Deco Style
LAST DAY FOR ORDERING IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS  Friday 20th December. Peace and love from Smart Deco

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SELECTED Acid Pavilion - Pop Art Sixteen  Smart Deco Homeware Lighting and Art by Jacqueline hammond

Acid Pavilion - Pop Art Sixteen


£45.00 GBP


Digital art by contemporary British artist Jacqueline Hammond

Title: Acid Pavilion pop Art Sixteen

Medium:  Digital Photographic Artwork on fine art paper

Dimensions:  29cm x 29cm, mounted or 60cm x 60cm

Artist: Jacqueline Hammond

Location: Brighton Pavilion, Brighton East Sussex U.K

Date: April 2010

This funky, colourful print features Brighton’s famous landmark as never seen before. Created with photographic imagery of the building's reflections are combined with an acid colour palette of bright blues, turquoise, shocking pink, reds, purple, lime green and lemon yellow. Artist Jacqueline Hammond speaks about the inspiration behind her Acid Pavilion series,

“It’s amazing how a slight ripple on the pond’s surface could distort the building enough to make it look 'wonky' and 'surreal'. The ripples accentuated the global influences in the architecture, somehow making them 'of another world' - alien, space age, futuristic, psychedelic.”

All enquiries: email
All Rights Reserved ©Jacqueline Hammond

Acid Pavilion - Pop Art Sixteen

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