Hire Smartylamps lighting as decor for an event – Smart Deco Style
LAST DAY FOR ORDERING IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS  Friday 20th December. Peace and love from Smart Deco

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Hire Smartylamps lighting as decor for an event

Lighting decor for venues, shows, festivals, weddings, outdoor events in marquees, circus big top tents or interior environments for event planners, promotion, stage hire, interior design, refurbishment, property and leisure industries. Light Installations and aerial decorations offered in a variety of shape and size with dry hire and purchase options to suit budgets and venues.

Calling all press, festival production, stage lighting, event organisers, event managers, promoters and party planners!



  • Light decor installations to suit all budgets and venues.
  • On site build – we can supply installations for dry hire or purchase
  • Wide range of designs and suitable for both venue decor and as lighting.
  • The combination of lights are easily customised to suit many purposes


Smart Deco have just returned from perhaps one of the greatest shows on earth. A lot of work, commitment and creativity goes into the spectacle that is Glastonbury Festival and after over 20 years we always come back for more festival fun, in the blazing hot sun this year!

The Smart Deco team were ‘out in the field’ making Smartylamps on site, working at Glastonbury Festival at Worthy Farm in Pilton, Somerset creating décor for the main stage tents in the Theatre and Circus Fields.

The Theatre and Circus Fields make up a central and essential part of the fun to be had at the legendary festival.

The circus big style marquees hold performances by leading theatre, cabaret and performing arts acts, and they are huge!

Our Smartylamps lights looked amazing in this huge tent at this year’s Glastonbury Festival


Smart Deco at Glastonbury Festival 2017 – The Astrolabe Theatre Tent


Smartylamps have been lighting up the big circus tent marquees for many years at Glastonbury Festival.


Smart Deco supply Smarty Lamps as decor for big top tents and marquees -  Light Installations in numerous shapes and sizes – Dry hire and purchase options to suit all events, weddings, parties, festivals and venues.


Smartylamps light decor for events


The SmartyLamp installations are assembled from flat packed pieces which we recycle and re-use time and time again for festivals, parties and events throughtout the summer season and the rest of the year. Dry hire and purchase options for any size venue, function or event.



Smart Deco  – 01273 271356 or 07977 486603

email smartdecostyle@gmail.com



This way they are easily transported and stored to be reused specifically for hire to decorate interiors of marquees and stage venue light installation décor at major events, productions and shows around the world.

Therefore the installations can be created on-site in a short timescale, ready to be hung by crew before the event starts.

Main stage or marquee, grand hall or backstage bar. Smartylamps are versatile with numerous ways to use them. Simply stunning and practical as décor they light up the vast roof of the tent. and can be hung in clusters or spread to light the whole space, from the stage to the king pole, hung above the audience, in light string festoons to the exits, entrances to the marquee, filling the roof space, the sides, dining area, dance floor, bar or public area.


Smart Deco  – 01273 271356 or 07977 486603

email smartdecostyle@gmail.com



Get in touch for more information.

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