Seagull on a Lamp Post – Smart Deco Style
LAST DAY FOR ORDERING IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS  Friday 20th December. Peace and love from Smart Deco

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SELECTED Seagull on a Lamp Post painting  Smart Deco Homeware Lighting and Art by Jacqueline hammond

Seagull on a Lamp Post painting


£350.00 GBP


Painting by contemporary British artist Jacqueline Hammond

Cheeky painting of a seagull with a bright sky blue background on a large 100cm square chunky canvas. Guaranteed to brighten up a wall in your home. 

Title: Seagull on a Lamp Post

Medium:  Acrylics on canvas.

Dimensions: 100 x 100cm

Artist: Jacqueline Hammond

The British seaside is so much more than sun and beaches (thankfully, seeing as we can never predict its weather patterns) – it’s all about its living characters. Like these feathered friends. Who hasn’t had their seafront fish n chip dinner swooped on by a seagull before?

Who hasn’t had their ice cream monitored by a watchful seagull? Bright, evocative with a big dose of humour, this painting will bring an integral part of the seaside right into the heart of your home.

Complete the look by hanging the Pigeon on a Lamp Post painting side by side or in the same room.

All enquiries: email
All Rights Reserved ©Jacqueline Hammond

Seagull on a Lamp Post painting

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