Paddling in the Sea at Low Tide – Smart Deco Style
LAST DAY FOR ORDERING IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS  Friday 20th December. Peace and love from Smart Deco

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SELECTED Paddling in the Sea at Low Tide  Smart Deco Homeware Lighting and Art by Jacqueline hammond

Paddling in the Sea at Low Tide


£100.00 GBP


Painting in acrylics of a beach from an unusual perspective, the tidal scene is depicted in portrait and from a bird's eye view. Divided in half by the shoreline, the painting features the full panoramic stretch of the beach, where the sand meets the sea, in a loose brushwork, painterly style, with finely detailed studies of people spending a day beside the seaside, stretching along the coast, as far as the eye can see. Although the scene could almost be any beach, the view is to the east of Brighton beach in England, looking towards the Marina, rather than the more typical view of the burnt wreckage of the West Pier.

Title: Paddling in the Sea at Low Tide

Cat. No. 434

Medium:  Acrylics on canvas

Dimensions:  35 x 25cm

Artist: Jacqueline Hammond


Follow Jacqueline’s latest works in progress on the blog at

Paddling in the Sea at Low Tide

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