Services - Postage and Packing for an Elektra Smartylamp – Smart Deco Style
LAST DAY FOR ORDERING IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS  Friday 20th December. Peace and love from Smart Deco

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SELECTED Services - Postage and Packing for an Elektra Smartylamp
SELECTED Services - Postage and Packing for an Elektra Smartylamp

Services - Postage and Packing for an Elektra Smartylamp


£45.00 GBP

Charge for basic postage and packing for an Elektra Smartylamp. The boxes for this shade are costly and we use DPD as transportation. The remake charge if you have the pieces sent to us costs a further £10 basic labour with up to 10 pieces replaced if necessary. We also offer a discount on a brand new shade to replace, or for our repeat customers.

Services - Postage and Packing for an Elektra Smartylamp

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