The Pebble Heads - Cats (SOLD) – Smart Deco Style
LAST DAY FOR ORDERING IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS  Friday 20th December. Peace and love from Smart Deco

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SELECTED The Pebble Heads - Cats (SOLD)  Smart Deco Homeware Lighting and Art by Jacqueline hammond

The Pebble Heads - Cats (SOLD)


£0.00 GBP


Pebble Head painting by Jacqueline Hammond

Commission your own personalised painting. Groups, families, couples, kids even pets can be incorporated into your unique Pebble Head Portrait.

Using pebbles as heads The Pebble Heads series caricatures people and life in modern British society. Jacqueline has produced over fifty paintings in this series. The majority have been commissioned by clients.

“I look for natural markings, chips and contours on the pebbles that can be used to resemble facial, hair and head gear type features. A hole in the pebble becomes a mouth, a chipped area separates the face from the hair and so on. Sometimes I paint on a face, sometimes I need do no more than a dot for an eye.” 

A specially commissioned painting makes an original and truly unique gift for someone you care about or to mark an occasion. Many family or group portraits have been given as wedding, birthday, moving in, retirement, christening and Valentine’s presents. .

To own an original Pebble Head Portrait of yourself, a couple, relatives, grandparents, family group, work mates or a group of friends at the seaside, whatever the scenario here's what to do:


Use the ‘contact us’ form or email

  • Write down your requirements and ideas for the piece – Who? Where? Why? What for?
  • Attach a clear photo/s of the people to be included. Ideally include a group photo, and from the waist up. Give indication of the difference in heights between people and note down what they look like now, hair colour, style, colour of eyes etc.
  • It’s useful to suggest any prominent characteristics or personality traits, dress sense, hobbies that help identify the individual and might be incorporated into the scene or influence the painting in some way. Example: “I am generally very smiley; Laura is a chatterbox, and Pete is a grumpy old dad!”

Imagine your family or group of friends ‘pebblised’ forever in a work of art to hang above the mantelpiece - ORDER YOURS NOW!

All enquiries: email
All Rights Reserved ©Jacqueline Hammond

The Pebble Heads - Cats (SOLD)

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