Poppy Series - Opening Horizon painting (SOLD) – Smart Deco Style
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SELECTED Poppy Series - Opening Horizon painting (SOLD)  Smart Deco Homeware Lighting and Art by Jacqueline hammond

Poppy Series - Opening Horizon painting (SOLD)




Painting by contemporary British artist Jacqueline Hammond

A painting from Jacqueline Hammond's The Signification of the Poppy series. One of a series of ten paintings depicting the traditional landscape of poppy fields but with a contemporary edge that combines the beauty of flowers with the symbolic role of the poppy in association with war throughout history.

Title: Opening Horizon (SOLD)

Medium:  Acrylics on canvas 

Dimensions: 61cm x 61cm 

Artist: Jacqueline Hammond

The works finely depict the poppy as a metaphor. Some represent the emblem of poppy worn for Remembrance Day: another life, another loss. Others depict farmed opium poppies; their beauty offset by the reason for their existence, representing current causes of conflict. In ‘A Troubled World’ and ‘Carpet of Red’ the suggestion of war is confirmed in the distance, where the rolling green hills when viewed more closely have a river of blood running between them, flowing down from the bloodshed in the barren, sandy, habituated hills. Just proves that beauty can be deceiving. A field of flowers can be more than a pretty picture.

All enquiries: email info@jacquelinehammond.co.uk
All Rights Reserved ©Jacqueline Hammond

Poppy Series - Opening Horizon painting (SOLD)

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