Print - Abstract - Ultraviolet Jellyfish – Smart Deco Style
LAST DAY FOR ORDERING IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS  Friday 20th December. Peace and love from Smart Deco

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SELECTED Print - Abstract - Ultraviolet Jellyfish  Smart Deco Homeware Lighting and Art by Jacqueline hammond

Print - Abstract - Ultraviolet Jellyfish


£15.00 GBP


Print of painting Ultraviolet Jellyfish

The abstract shapes and forms of living species in the ocean are almost alien to the human eye. Yet the often display patterns and decorative features on the surface which are so inspiring and attractive.  Bold, bright colours, often complementary colour combinations or stark contrast.

By breaking them down into bold, graphic shapes that repeat a pattern without looking manufactured I have tried to keep an essence of ‘nature’ by not being too exact, replicating a formation.

I have used these colours of nature, worked out how and why they work together, evolved them, simplified and / or exaggerated them.  Inky black/blue backgrounds emphasises the deep sea, providing a good contrast to the bright colours.

Print - Abstract - Ultraviolet Jellyfish

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