Forget-me-not Blues Burst (SOLD) – Smart Deco Style
LAST DAY FOR ORDERING IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS  Friday 20th December. Peace and love from Smart Deco

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SELECTED Forget-me-not Blues Burst (SOLD)  Smart Deco Homeware Lighting and Art by Jacqueline hammond

Forget-me-not Blues Burst (SOLD)


£0.00 GBP


Painting: Acrylic on Canvas.

Painting by contemporary British artist Jacqueline Hammond

Minimal and bold design piece comprised of striking, naïve style, Forget-Me-Not blue flowers which burst from the canvas. The colours aim to evoke a bright and cheerful response. The painting has a span of complementary yellow tones subtlety blended in the background with a layer of delicate swirls and swishes of blue tones paint marks depicting the petals are abstracted and simplistic in form. When furnishing an interior the large size canvas makes this piece of art a great way to give a decorative, simplistic modern touch and splash of colour to brighten a wall. 

Forget-me-not Blues Burst
Medium: Acrylics on canvas

Dimensions: 76 x 76cm

This artwork is an original painting on paper which forms part of an ongoing series of landscape, in-situ preliminary style studies.

Follow Jacqueline’s latest works in progress on the blog at

All enquiries: email

All Rights Reserved ©Jacqueline Hammond

Forget-me-not Blues Burst (SOLD)

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